Students are learners who pursue education in higher learning institutions. They have various roles and responsibilities attached to them. Students act as agents of change, guardians of morals and noble values, successors of the nation's hopes, and social controllers in society. While fulfilling these roles and responsibilities, it is not uncommon for students to encounter obstacles and difficulties in dealing with academic and non-academic activities in higher education. Therefore, the role of universities as educational institutions is crucial in providing services to students. Counseling services are one type of support needed to help overcome these obstacles and difficulties, enabling students to perform their roles optimally.

Recognizing the various obstacles and difficulties experienced by students, the Department of Sports Coaching Education at Padang State University provides counseling services for its students. Referring to the decision of the Rector of Padang State University Number 187/Sk/UNP.H/I/2020 concerning Academic Regulations for Diploma Three, Bachelor, and Master Programs at Padang State University, guidance and counseling is the process of providing assistance from an expert to students who face psychological problems that can interfere with their education at Padang State University.

The counseling services provided by the counseling team of the Department of Sports Coaching Education at Padang State University include:

  1. Prospective New Student Counseling: Providing support to overcome initial challenges in college, including campus orientation, career development, academic guidance, financial management, psychological support, and self-development by assisting students in choosing organizations and sports that match their interests and potential.
  2. Personal Counseling: This service deals with personal problems faced by students, such as stress, anxiety, interpersonal relationship problems, and other personal issues that may affect their academic performance and well-being.
  3. Group Counseling: This service assists students in solving specific problems in groups. During these sessions, students can share experiences and solutions in a supportive atmosphere, strengthening interpersonal skills, and building support networks among fellow students.
  4. Peer Counseling: This service allows students to receive support from fellow students who have been trained as peer counselors. It provides an opportunity for students to discuss their problems in a more relaxed environment and feel better understood by peers.

By providing this counseling service, the Department of Sports Coaching Education at Universitas Negeri Padang hopes to help its students overcome various obstacles and difficulties they face, so that they can achieve academic and personal success and perform their roles optimally in society.

Counselor Team

Prof. Dr. Tjung Hauw Sin, M.Pd., Kons

Prof. Dr. Eddy Marheni, M.Pd


Muhammad Vajri Djauhari · 31 May 2024 at 1:35 am

Saya ingin bertanya seputar kepel, apa prospek kerja setelah lulus di kepel min?

    admin · 31 May 2024 at 1:38 am

    Setelah lulus dari Prodi PKO, alumni dapat bekerja menjadi guru Pendidikan Jasmani, atau menjadi pelatih pada berbagai cabang olahraga

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