A. Vision

Become one of the study programmes in the field of sports coaching education with dignity and international reputation.


B. Mission

Mission of the Sports Coaching Education Study Programme

      1. Organising international quality sports coaching education;
      2. Conduct innovative research and global publications
      3. Organising community service to solve problems and contribute to the development of Indonesia
      4. Implement world-class study programme governance
      5. Implementing international co-operation


    C. Goal

    Based on the vision and mission above, the following objectives were developed:

        1. Producing graduates of sports and health coaching education personnel who have competence in the field of training and health education.
        2. Producing reliable entrepreneurial personnel in the field of sports and health coaching instructors
        3. Producing graduates who can access and create jobs in the field of sports and health coaching in accordance with the needs of the community both nationally and internationally.
        4. Producing graduates who are able to carry out research in the field of sports and health coaching
        5. Producing graduates who are able to carry out community service in the field of sports and health coaching