This morning, Thursday, September 21, 2023, the Faculty of Sports Science UNP Padang was visited by Prof. Dr. Mohamad Nizam bin Nazarudin as a form of international cooperation with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, who was welcomed directly by the Dean of FIK UNP Prof. Dr. Nurul Ihsan, M. Pd with sportswear together doing a light jog around the UNP athletic track with international standards while exchanging opinions regarding the collaboration that will be carried out by UKM with UNP.

After completing the morning exercise at approximately 09.30 in the FIK UNP seminar room, the signing of the MoA and MoU was present together as well as opening the event Deputy Dean I Dr. Padli, S. Si., M. Pd. Deputy Dean II Prof. Dr. M. Sazeli Rifky, S. Si., M. Pd. period 2023 to 2028 In his remarks, Deputy Dean 1 FIK UNP hopes that this collaboration will have a good impact in terms of advancing education, especially in terms of the tri dharma of education. In addition, in this series of activities also carried out. Also present was the Coordinator of the S2 study program Prof. Dr. Wilda Welis, SP., M. Kes. Also directly present was the Head of the Department of Coaching Dr. Masrun, M. Kes. Head of the Sports Education Department Dr. Aldo Naza Putra, M. Pd. Head of the Recreational Health Department Dr. Ridho Bahtra, S. Si., M. Pd and FIK UNP lecturers. The UKM delegation was led by Associate Professor Allied Colonel, Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Nizam Bin Nazarudin. The discussion took place based on the cooperation built related to collaborative research programs, visiting lecturers, student exchanges and overseas community service. Including the implementation of the UKM international conference with UNP. Cooperation related to the Tridharma of Higher Education, Research and Community Service between the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University This collaboration will have an impact on progress for FIK UNP with the motto Superior Quality. In accordance with the direction of the Golden Indonesia 2045 policy.

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